Daniel Machín

Daniel Machín

Creating since 2017, learning since 2001

Only available for recruiters

If you are considering candidates for a job position, please refer to me in the contact page

You have the credentials? Let's check it out



  • Comp - Cleanups | 3D Projection | 3D Integration | Chroma Key | 2D/3D Tracking and Layout
  • FX - Ragdoll | Cloth simulation
  • Lookdev - Solaris | Arnold
  • VFX on set supv | Photogrammetry | LIDARs scans | Chromeball, color chart and HDRi | Chroma illumination
  • Conform and Pipeline


Related knowledge, experience and skills

From a young age I have been fond of computers. I would build and repair them, and that passion has never waned. Gradually, I delved deeper into the world of computer systems to the point where I consider myself an agnostic in the realm of operating systems. Today, I manage my own server and cloud services, all with the aim of facilitating my work in VFX. Furthermore, I lend my support to emerging filmmaking endeavors, such as Kineastra.

I have experience with:

  • VMware
  • Proxmox
  • Deployments with Docker and Docker containers
  • General Network administration.
  • NAS/DAS build ups and solutions
  • Render farms builds with AWS Deadline Render
  • AWS (S3, SES, CloudFront, IAM)
  • Cloudflare (Tunnels, DDNS and DNS configurations, SSL certs, traffic monitoring, anti DDOS measures and load balancing)

I dabbled some HTML, CSS, and a bit of JavaScript just to build this website from scratch. I really enjoy learning this kind of stuff every day, and I thought that creating my portfolio website without relying on pricey website builders was an ideal and motivating challenge. With my IT knowledge, I managed to host my own website in the cloud, and the best part? It didn't cost a dime, just my time and know-how!

In light of the flourishing interest in Virtual Production, I recognized the imperative to swiftly acquire proficiency in this domain. Consequently, over the course of three months, I diligently embarked on the development form start to finish of a simple video game. I did this with the primary aim of comprehensively grasping the essential components of Unreal Engine, encompassing blueprints, materials, cinematics, metahumans, and IK rigs.